[CLARITY]Noun1. The quality of being clear and easy to understand: 2. The quality of being easy to see or hear 3. The ability to think clearly and not be confusedAlan Blumberg,
Principal -
[COLLABORATION]Noun1. The act of working together with other people to create or achieve something.Rosina Blake
Associate -
[KINDNESS]Noun1. The quality of being generous, helpful, and caring about other people, or an act showing this quality.Lauren Blumberg
“Helping families in our community through all stages of family related legal matters, we deliver clarity with kindness.”

About Us
Blumberg Family Lawyers is a law firm dedicated to helping families, based in Sydney’s upper north shore.
We use our extensive combined experience and legal knowledge to guide our clients through the complex legal issues facing families by breaking them down into a step by step process tailored to each client’s circumstances and desired outcome.
Many of our clients are life long and multi generational families who appreciate the time and care we take to help them.
If you’re looking for a guiding hand and legal clarity at any stage of family life, contact us.